Wednesday, August 3, 2016

VBS, Lunch and New Shoes {August 2, 2016}

The morning began with VBS located near Cross to Light of Pastor Israel. Many of the children have been asking different team members when we were having VBS since we arrived on Friday. We were excited to see many familiar faces. The skit and message of Mark 4 about the different soils of the heart were shared with the many children and adults that came to the amphitheater. With a bird’s eye perspective, the skit team members were able to witness many who were focused on receiving from the seed sown in their hearts. The Lord blessed the team with wisdom, and we arranged things differently than previous years and were able to provide shaded areas for the children to sit as they received the message and enjoyed the skit. (Past years the children had to sit in the hot sun.) The team received a special blessing as the children shared beautiful musical solos in both English and Haitian Creole, including “You are my Sunshine”, which brought tears to many eyes.  Pastor Israel and his church leadership were able to assist our team in providing VBS T-shirts and special care packages for the babies in hand. Prayers are being answered as our team is witnessing Jesus touching hearts and blessing our team with strength and unity to match the work He has called us to fulfill, for His glory, honor and praise.

The team was able have a quick lunch with the students from the Bible college and others who helped with the morning VBS. This deepened the relationship between our team and Pastor Israel and the local church members. Together, we prepared lunch for about 250 members of the local community, many of whom just attended the morning VBS.

As the people settled into benches under the palm and banana trees in front of our housing, the team loved on them through special “one things” (items that each team member brought to engage those we meet).  Pastor John then provided a teaching on “Trusting Jesus” using the Gospel where Peter walked on water. When Pastor asked his son Jaden to show what trust looked like through using a trust fall into Jim Hall’s arms, many of the people seemed to begin to understand what trusting God begins to look like. Many hands went up during a call for salvation, and we know that Pastor Israel will be faithful in his follow-up.

Our team was honored to serve this huge part of the local community a large lunch meal. Because many people in Haiti only get one meal a day, the food was a blessing that the CCFred team was blessed to provide in the name of Jesus.

After a time to eat, our team was able to provide many people with crocks, flip-flops and clothing. Mothers of young children received special baby supplies. Reaching out with physical things that are useful to those in this community allows our team to show that we want to do more than just talk about the love of Jesus. We want to share the good news through the blessing provided by people who love Jesus!

A young man that joined us for VBS
Preparing Lunch

In the midst of a meal

In line for a pair of Shoes
Little Guy with a new pair of Crocs

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