Acts 26:18 To open their eyes, and to turn them from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan unto God, that they may receive forgiveness of sins, and inheritance among them which are sanctified by faith that is in me.
UPDATE from the TEAM:
After a tiring day of travel on Friday the team made it to Haiti safely
and with all of our luggage!
Saturday morning we left at 7am to the Missionary Training Center to begin the first day of the eyeglass clinic. The team began cleaning out an area to use for our clinic, shoveling
gravel/dirt and setting up chairs and tables. Once set up, people were
brought in to the Missionary Training Center in small groups. They first
had their prescription read with an eyeglass machine. Then their
prescription was given to a group to find glasses that matched, or were
close to their prescription. Afterwards someone would sit down with them
one-on-one with a translator to fit the glasses and make sure that the
they could see clearly. Then once the physical sight was taken care of we
would ask them if they had made Jesus the Lord of their life. From there
we would share the gospel, and pray for them. Seeing everyone doing their
part was truly an image of the church body working together. Many people
were given glasses, many people heard the gospel, and a large handful
accepted the Lord into their life!
A Haitian girl tests her glasses! |
Pamela praying for an Eyeglasses Clinic patient |
Emma |
Emily |
Melanie prays with a woman as she receives her glasses. |
The eyeglass machine began to overheat and it had to be turned off and
taken outside to cool off. While waiting for the machine to return, the
team was able to talk to those still waiting and love on the kids that
came with their parents. Pastor John spoke to the group and presented the
gospel message. One woman, Lucienne, gave her life to Christ after
hearing Pastor John talk! The eyeglass machine returned and three more
people were able to get their eyes read before the machine was completely
finished. We gave out some snack crackers and invited those who didn’t
get glasses to come back Tuesday, when we will continue the clinic.
Immediately following the clinic we took a short walk to the Orphanage.
We spent 2-3 hours playing with the kids, holding them, and just being
there to sit with them. Then we returned to Cross to Light to eat,
shower, and reflect on the day. Tomorrow we prepare for church and
whatever else the Lord would have us to do.
John |
Barbie at the orphanage |
Please pray for the eye reading machine. It overheated a few times today
which slowed down the process. We have a plan to remedy this - pray the
Lord keeps the machine operable so we can help more people.
Pray for strength and perseverance for our team, including translators.
Pray for growing boldness of the team to share with people as the Lord
brings opportunities.
Thus far we have had very little electricity at the Training Center (our
lodging.) Pray for power to return.
Original Post:
The team began their day of ministry early! After breakfast and devos, they headed out to the Tent City for the first Eye Glasses Clinic.
After a little work to get the eye machine working again, a few dozen people now can see clearly! As people waited their turn to be seen at the clinic, members of the team who were not running the machines taught the children worship songs in Creole and loved on the babies. Not only did they feed their souls with music about the Savior, but they also were able to provide them with a simple snack. During this time, at least one woman accepted Christ as her Savior! Praise God! The team will return to the the Tent City for another Eye Glasses Clinic on Tuesday.
Joel and Logan working at the Eye Glasses Clinic |
Emily, Barbie, and Rachel teaching those waiting Bible songs in Creole |
In addition the team had the opportunity to visit the orphanage that they have visited on all of the previous trips and continue to love on these precious children. The orphanage has children with no medical challenges, as well as those with significant lifelong ones. Please pray for the love of Jesus to wash over these precious ones!
Vinny loving on the children |
John enjoying this sweet girl's company |
Day 2 also allowed the team to connect with many familiar faces! Jefferson, the young man who had helped translate for the team in previous trips, is back and the team is so blessed to catch up with him again! One young girl found a member of the team whom she remembered from two years ago and brought her mother to meet our team member! There is no doubt that the team is making a lasting impact on the lives they touch in Haiti! Pray that they would also accept the touch of salvation from King Jesus, whom our ambassadors represent!
Prayers of boldness to share the good news to the people of Haiti. Prayers of strength and courage. Praying the eye machine will continue to work. Praising Him for getting the team there safe and having successful camp days so far. Praise Jesus people have accepted you as their personal savior!!! Praying the power will be restored and lives will be changed. Amen!