Ephesians 6:12 For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.
Today was the first day of VBS and John began his teaching of Job with the
Bible training students.
Pastor John leading the team in morning Praise & Worship |
After much planning and preparation....
Where is the church (right there in blue shirts!), Where is the steeple (Cross to Light)?
Open the gate...and you'll see all the people! |
a child inspects her shirt |
....we began VBS in the amphitheater!
We started with songs by Emily, Joel, Emma, and
Vinny. Then Rachel presented the Bible verse John 4:14. After J.T. showed
the children the craft. A fountain of water made out of pipe cleaners.
Then the team handed out bags of snack crackers and gummies, along with
some bagged water. Then the children received a message from Allan about
Jesus being the living water.
During the whole VBS we were blessed to have
a translator named Michael, he has such a boldness for Christ and love for
the people of Haiti, we are very thankful for him. Finally the children
were dismissed and as they left the received a blue t-shirt with the Bible
verse written on it.
After a short lunch break we took an hour drive to a voodoo village to
repeat the VBS we had done in the morning. Despite the darkness of the
village, we held the VBS in a christian church and had 75-80 people
attend, adults and children. The gospel was presented and more t-shirts
were given out.
The Word of God being declared over the hearts of these precious ones...in the midst of darkness, a voodoo village! |
Handing out crackers & water |
It appears Emma's hair is a fascination. |
Awesome CCF Youth loving on the kids in the voodoo village! |
Pastor John |
Playing 'Hot Hands' |
Melanie |
Worship to the One True God in the heart of the voodoo village! |
As we finished and were driving away, what a blessing it
was to see the children running behind the truck wearing the blue
t-shirts with scripture written on them.
Prayer Requests:
-Several team members have been suffering from migraines. Please pray for
relief and healing.
-Please pray for the eyeglass reading machine to stay strong all day so
that we can read as many eyes as possible. It overheated on Saturday and
we had to stop the eye clinic.
-Renewed strength and healing for the team.
For the last few days the power has stayed on! Thank-you, Lord!!!
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